Saturday, March 28, 2009

Green is the "New Black"

Spokane County passed a law that bans the sale of laundry detergents that contain phosphate levels higher than 0.5%. Problem is, the detergents that meet that arbitrary criterion don't clean very well. Most detergents, even store brands, contain about 9% phosphates. So, is the county repealing the law? No--they're sitting on their hands as the residents drive to, yes, Idaho to buy what they can't in Spokane, namely, the same detergent they used to buy before...

Green became the "New Black."

Yes, we have ecological disasters all over the world. Tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, global warming, dying oceans, reality TV, Rush Limbaugh and Prop 8 in California.

But passing laws to "Go Green" when they inconvenience large populations? "Going Green" for the sake of it because it's a fad?

That's what eco-aware thought has become--the New Black. People are "keeping up with the Jones's" over who is 'greener,' while what we really need, a 96-square-mile solar array in Arizona or New Mexico or Nevada, something that could provide thousands of jobs and help with the current fiscal disaster while also producing enough energy so that we'd never need to use oil for anything other than plastics, pharm products, and cars; a legitimate Volcano monitoring system (Look at Alaska, Senitor Jindal); studies to tell us not what, but how we can stop the seemingly runaway global processes, rather than just informing us of the apocalyptic scenarious; and, of course, some way of teaching science to children without teaching what is nothing other than Religion, because it is only by teaching science, objective, proof-based and experiment-based science, that we can produce a generation capable of approaching the challenges our greed, such as the phosphorus in our water supply due to improper waste-water handling due to 9% phosphate detergents, we need science taught so the next generation can make a detergent with less than 0.5% phosphates so that people in Spokane won't be in Idaho every time they need more Tide.

We need science, we need teachers to teach science.

But it won't happen so long as Green is treated as a Fashion Statement.

Stop thinking Green is the new Black. Green is a necessity, Green is forward thought, a new paradigm, it's everything but that wasteful, vapid, void of all redemption realm of fashion or fad.

Green isn't the new Black. It's the new Red Cross.


  1. Just as a followup, the first usage of the phrase "Green is the new black" that I could find, or cared to find came from comedian Lewis Black (or is that Lewis Green?) from his stand-up special in 2004.

  2. Seriously? That's actually *great*--I'm not alone on this one! And the almighty Lewis Black, Blessed Be He, said it? Then it *has* to be true....
